TGM Ministry Profile

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This is one of the most important support functions in our ministry because it oversees the communications that go from the church congregation to its members and to the community, including print and electronic newsletters and announcements, telephone contacts, a website, radio spots and programming, and broadcast journalism.

Wendy Scott is an effective communicator who compiles and creates internal and external communications that compel members and others to become interested in participating in the church for the transformation of the world. She is a gifted and anointed exhorter, encourager, administrator, and helper who has a passion and skill for communicating. Wendy is truly an expertise in the field of communication for she has the ability to communicate with people of all ages—whether communicating to leadership group or responding to concerns of people in the community. She is one of TGM’s chartered members who has been serving since day one. She has a genuine interest in responding to the hopes and concerns of people in our church and in our community. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and is working towards a Master’s Degree of Science in Human Resource Management.

This important function compiles and creates internal and external communications that connects and informs members and compels others to become interested in participating in the church.
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